วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Oxyelite Pro

Oxyelite Pro

Oxyelite Pro 90 Capsules

Product Details

OxyElite Pro is apparently supposed to be the ultimate step in weight loss and fat burning. They claim that it will help you to achieve all the ultimate benefits you are looking for while also defining lean muscle mass and otherwise showing you the results that you need. And with OxyElite Pro, you will get the best possible value in the industry. But does OxyElite Pro actually work?

The Good

It uses a blend of all natural ingredients, and it has caffeine, which can produce a potentially thermogenic fat burning property

The Bad

OxyElite Pro does not have really any weight loss ingredients. Yes, it has caffeine. But that’s honestly about it. Frankly, caffeine can be literally found just about anywhere, and when it comes right down to it like so many, OxyElite Pro does not have the right amounts that would be needed for weight loss succes. OxyElite Pro really does not have what you are looking for. And it is more likely to cause caffeine related side effects than anything else.

The Skinny

We would not recommend this scam. It does not help anything, and you could easily do much better. There are other formulas with the same small amounts. After all, caffeine is the most common and popularly known fat burners in the business. They don’t use anything different, and they don’t even bother using the right amounts. So obviously, there are far better formulas out there that have more to offer in every possible way than OxyElite Pro if you know where to look.

Ingredients Used

Bauhinia purpurea-a flowering plant in Hong Kong, this does not actually promote weight loss.

Bacopa monniera-used in Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used to treat epilepsy, asthma, and it’s an antioxidant. But it has never really been used for weight loss. It is more of a nootropic agent.

Geranium stem-in essential oil form, this can work as a powerful antiseptic. But it does not actually have any weight loss properties

Cirisium oligophyllum-it has been used to address flatulence. However, it has never really been used to promote weight loss

Auwolscine-we believe they have simply left out the r on the name of this ingredient. But it’s otherwise known as yohimbine. Yohimbine has been used as a sexual stimulant. However, it has never been used as a weight loss supplement in reality, and it can cause serious side effects such as liver damage, kidney damage, heart attack, and stroke

Canescens-another name for mountain azaleas, this does not promote weight loss

Caffeine-It has been shown to produce a powerful thermogenic effect in the body if used in the right amounts. However, it also comes with the classic side effects of caffeine.


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